WE all believe that we listen effectively. Therefore, very few people think they need to develop their listening skills. It’s not because listening effectively is so difficult. We were never conditioned to the fact that effective listening is one of the essential skills required to be employable.

Most of us have just never developed the habits that would make us effective listeners. Research has found that by listening effectively,

  • We will get more information from the people we manage,
  • We will increase others’ trust in ourselves,
  • We will reduce conflict,
  • We will better understand how to motivate others, and
  • We will inspire a higher level of commitment in the people we manage.

Research shows that the average person listens at only about 25% efficiency.

Most people will agree that listening effectively is a very important skill, however, we do not feel a very strong urge  to improve their listening skills. This is one area where we lack tremendously as an individual.


Effective listening is a way of showing concern for subordinates, peers, family, boss-This helps in

  • Fostering cohesive bonds, commitment, and building trust.

Effective listening tends to reduce

  • The frequency of interpersonal conflict and
  • It increases the likelihood that when conflicts emerge, they will be resolved with a “win-win” solution.
  • Also,if we effectively listen to the people we manage,
    • WE learn “what makes them tick.”
    • If we know what makes them tick, we will be more effective at motivating them.
    • We can encourage them when they need encouraging, and
    • We also get to know what kinds of things they value as rewards

for a job well done (e.g., public praise, autonomy, challenge, etc.).


What is Effective Listening


Effective listening can be defined as actively absorbing the information as given by a speaker, in a way that shows showing he/she/they are being listened with interest, as well providing feedback to the speaker so that he or she knows the message was received.


Effective listeners show speakers that they have been heard and understood.


How To Become an Effective Listener


To become an effective listener, we have to understand and differentiate situations while managing people, since it is important as an effective listener that what are our responses. Generally, two situations arrive as a listener Counselling Situation and Coaching Situation.


Coaching is giving advice and information/setting standards. It helps employees or people working for you to improve their skills and performances.


Counselling is helping subordinates/people working for us, recognize and address problems involving their emotions, attitudes, motivation, or personalities.


If we are not effective listener, we mismatch our responses overlapping and crossing between counselling and coaching situation. Thus, to be effective listener we should understand type of responses

The responses to

1.Coaching Situation are

  1. Advising
  2. Deflecting; and for

2.Counselling Situation are

  1. Reflecting
  2. Probing

Types of Listening


Listening is a fundamental communication skill that plays a crucial role in various aspects of our lives. Understanding the different types of listening can help us become more effective communicators. In this presentation, we will explore various types of listening and their common use cases.


Active Listening

  • Description: Engaged and attentive listening with feedback.
  • Common Use Cases: Everyday conversations, professional settings.
  • Key Features: Nonverbal cues, asking questions, showing interest.

Empathetic Listening

  • Description: Understanding and sharing the speaker’s feelings.
  • Common Use Cases: Providing emotional support, therapy sessions.
  • Key Features: Demonstrating empathy, offering comfort.

Critical Listening

  • Description: Evaluating and analysing information presented.
  • Common Use Cases: Decision-making, problem-solving, assessing credibility.
  • Key Features: Questioning, critical thinking, objectivity.

Informational Listening

  • Description: Focusing on gathering specific details.
  • Common Use Cases: Educational settings, receiving instructions.
  • Key Features: Note-taking, retention of facts.

Appreciative Listening

  • Description: Enjoying and appreciating what’s being said.
  • Common Use Cases: Listening to music, stories, leisure activities.
  • Key Features: Expressing enjoyment, positive reactions.

Sympathetic Listening

  • Description: Showing compassion and understanding.
  • Common Use Cases: Offering emotional support, consoling others.
  • Key Features: Demonstrating sympathy, providing comfort.

Selective Listening

  • Description: Choosing to pay attention to specific parts.
  • Common Use Cases: Filtering out irrelevant information.
  • Key Features: Focusing on what’s deemed important.

Biased Listening

  • Description: Interpreting based on preconceived biases.
  • Common Use Cases: Hinders effective communication and understanding.
  • Key Features: Misinterpretation, misunderstanding.

Pseudo Listening

  • Description: Pretending to listen without true engagement.
  • Common Use Cases: Creates misunderstandings.
  • Key Features: Feigning interest, lack of engagement.

Therapeutic Listening

  • Description: Active and empathetic listening in therapy.
  • Common Use Cases: Counseling or therapy sessions.
  • Key Features: Empathy, creating a safe space for expression.


Understanding and applying the appropriate type of listening in various situations can significantly improve our communication skills and relationships. Whether it’s active listening in professional settings, empathetic listening in personal relationships, or critical listening in decision-making, each type has its place and importance